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August Fishing Report from the Entertainer!

a person riding on the back of a boat

Welcome back everyone!

Fishing and the weather have had a lot in common lately, it’s HOT! Whether you want to do a private booking or a walk on style trip, you’re coming home with some meat. Over the next several weeks we will begin to see a change from the summer months into the early fall swing. That means it’s a great time to book a charter trip for you and your family.

The vermillion snapper bite has been very consistent over the last few weeks with baskets full of these little gems showing up on the table. We’re still seeing some red snapper coming back to the dock, but with the federal season winding down so is the bite. White snapper, almacos, banded rudderfish, and the occasional scamp are being reported too. We have a few more days left for red snapper, then we begin to shift gears towards other targets. Triggerfish are also in season right now, and amberjack will open up September 1st.

My personal favorite season will also open up September 1st, and only lasts for 2 weeks this year. That’s right, it’s gag grouper time yall! These fish are well prized and among some of the best eating fish in the Gulf. While they are a blast to catch and eat, it does require a bit more riding time to get to the grounds needed to locate them, along with catching live bait to bring on your way out of Pensacola Pass. That being said we will be offering 12 hour trips, both private and multiple chances for a walk on trip for those who don’t need the whole boat to themselves. Our walk on dates will be September 4th, 8th, and 15th. This kind of trip rarely becomes available for shared expenses, so don’t miss your opportunity! Call our booking office and get your spot reserved asap 850-934-1613